Most people spend a lot of time and money to keep pimples from appearing but still make it difficult to completely eliminate acne from occurring. To maintain acne free skin, you should also follow a good daily skin care routine by washing the affected area twice daily with a non-medicated soap or mild cleanser. You should avoid oily cosmetics, sunscreens, and hair products and use oil-free products. Don't squeeze or pick your pimples as they could become infected, inflamed and leave scars. Avoid touching your face and use clean towels, pillowcases and tissues when coming into contact with your face. Always remove make up at the end of the day before you go to bed as leaving it on makes the pores to become clogged and acne bacteria to flourish. Eat a balanced healthy diet which includes fresh fruits and vegetable and drink lots of water.
Choose an effective product to achieve acne free skin – Herbal anti-acne supplements helps reduce acne and pimples and also reduces the redness, inflammation and dryness of the skin.
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