Acne is the term for plugged pores, whiteheads and
blackheads, pimples that is caused by buildup of excess oil and dead skin in a
pore. The causes of this are natural hormones, clogged skin and bacteria. Acne happens to almost all teenagers who
often feel insecure due to acne and many of them used non-prescription
treatments to lessen acne. There are
many cases wherein acne starts or continues into adulthood. There are several
medicines and remedies available but most of them fail to remove the acne marks
from the skin and in some there is reoccurrence of acne too.
It is therefore important to opt for a right product that reduces
and overcomes your acne problem. Studies
have shown that stress is one of the major causes for acne flare-ups as it increases
the release of cortisol which is a hormone responsible for production of pore
clogging oils in the body. Hence reduce
the stress by relaxing and trying to be happy.
Yoga, exercise and good sleep can help in reducing stress. Wash your face with a gentle cleanser and
choose the right kind of cleanser for your skin. Try and stop squeezing at the pimples as it
can make the situation even worse. Dirt
is also responsible for acne breakout and it is therefore advised to wash your
face every night as this helps remove the dirt as well as unclog the pores.
Herbal anti acne supplements are available which are very
effective and helps remove all the acne, pimples and stops reoccurrence of
acne. Have a clear glowing skin with no
side effects -
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