Thursday, June 3, 2010

Popular Acne Myths!!

Myth 1: Poor hygiene is the main cause of Acne

Poor hygiene may not be the sole cause of acne however it may worsen it. Acne breakouts occur due to hormonal factors, genetic causes etc. Furthermore oils, dirt and other contaminants can clag pores and results in acne.

Myth 2: Severe acne occurs due to sexual activity

There is no scientific evidence that acne occurs due to sexual activity. The misconception was that increased testosterone levels associated with sexual activity makes acne worse. It increases acne breakouts.

Myth 3: Acne can be infectious

Acne is not an infectious skin disease however touching or rubbing the acne by itself may leads to pore blockage resulting in more acne breakouts

Myth 4: Sun exposure or tanning improves acne

There is no scientific evidence that sunlight exposure may leads to acne. Instead mild sun exposure cures skin inflammation.

Myth 5: Makeup causes acne

Earlier the cosmetics were oil based and resulted in acne breakouts. However today special anti-acne oil-free products are available in the market which prevents acne breakouts. These Oil free anti-acne products are devoid of ingredients that can clog pores. Thus they help in improving the appearance of your skin.

Myth 6: Acne is caused by chocolate or other foods.

Chocolates, fast and processed foods has long been blamed for causing acne however there is no scientific evidence supporting the myth. However it is said that a healthy diet, lifestyle promotes skin health and prevents acne breakouts.

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