Friday, May 28, 2010

Some Popular Myths about Acne

Acne is a very common disease. People who have suffer from acne tend to have similar kinds of questions about it and its treatment... in this blog we will expose some popular acne myths..

1. Acne may be contagious
Acne is not contagious. If you touch or rub against anyone with acne, you will not get acne from them.

2. Acne is caused due to poor hygiene
Acne is not caused by dirt. Although excess oils, dead skin and a day's accumulation of dust on the skin look unsightly, they should not be removed by hand scrubbing. Vigorous washing and scrubbing will actually irritate the skin and make acne worse... You should just wash your wash twice daily with a mild face wash to get rid of acne.

3. Eating fatty foods causes acne
Acne is not caused by eating food. There is no evidence to support that acne is related to what you eat. Chocolate or sweets do not cause acne.

4. Popping pimples is the best thing to do when you see active acne
Popping pimples can immediately relieve the pain and inflammation associated with numerous acne types, however, keep in mind that attempting to pop a pimple may actually worsen your acne greatly.

5. Acne is life-long...
The truth is you can get rid of acne by simply using a trusted acne product which will help you get rid of acne permanent.FitoDerm is a fine example of a Trusted Herbal Acne Product..With FitoDerm you can stay rest-assured that your acne will be history is a few months of its usage..

For a detailed explanation on how FitoDerm works click here now

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