Thursday, April 30, 2020

Get Acne free and glowing skin

Acne free skin is a dream for all who are suffering from it especially the teenagers who experience some form of acne breakout which can continue into their adult life too. Our bodies produce the hormone testosterone as we go through puberty and when our skin converts this hormone it causes our skin to secrete oil with bacteria from our body. When this oil comes in contact with the bacteria it becomes blocked in the skin's pores which keep dead skin cells from shedding. The dead skin cells block the pores and become infected and this causes pimples. 

Most people spend a lot of time and money to keep pimples from appearing but still make it difficult to completely eliminate acne from occurring. To maintain acne free skin, you should also follow a good daily skin care routine by washing the affected area twice daily with a non-medicated soap or mild cleanser. You should avoid oily cosmetics, sunscreens, and hair products and use oil-free products. Don't squeeze or pick your pimples as they could become infected, inflamed and leave scars. Avoid touching your face and use clean towels, pillowcases and tissues when coming into contact with your face. Always remove make up at the end of the day before you go to bed as leaving it on makes the pores to become clogged and acne bacteria to flourish. Eat a balanced healthy diet which includes fresh fruits and vegetable and drink lots of water. 

Choose an effective product to achieve acne free skin – Herbal anti-acne supplements helps reduce acne and pimples and also reduces the redness, inflammation and dryness of the skin.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Stop acne breakout and get a clearer skin naturally

Acne is a skin disorder which happens due to the production of excess oil in the skin.  People suffering from acne breakouts usually suffer from low self-esteem and this affect their social life too. Acne is a problem that is faced by both the young and old but teenagers are the ones who are more affected due to hormonal change and other causes.  To avoid acne breakouts, one should do the following:

Clean your face with a gentle face cleanser twice daily without scrubbing too hard.  Once you develop this habit, you will keep your pores clean and clear.  Do not wash your face too frequently as this can leave your skin dry and irritated which can cause more breakouts.  Hence wash it twice a day and you will notice the difference.

Do not pick or squeeze your pimples as this can make it worse acne by causing scarring, skin infection and development of more acne. Picking and squeezing of acne should therefore be avoided.
Use proper sun protection while going out; try to wear a hat or scarf whenever possible and protect your skin against harmful rays of the sun.

Regular exercising is good for overall health and also helps reduce acne breakouts.  Exercising reduces stress and anxiety which is also the cause of acne breakouts.  Stress promotes the production of a hormone known as cortisol that causes the secretion of excess pore-clogging oil by the skin which worsens acne problem.

Have a nutritious diet and avoid foods if you are allergic to it. Keep a check on the foods that you eat and try to avoid acne causing foods such as excessive protein, sugars and sweeteners, dairy products, etc.

There are herbal anti-acne supplements which are natural and safe and help get rid of acne and its breakouts without any side-effects.